The microscopes can be used :
- By the members of the lab or partners, after a former training by the platform staff
- Under assistance of the platform staff, for a limited number of samples
The TEM JEOL NeoARM 200F, a major facility financed by CPER Manutech Europe and Université Jean Monnet is a new, versatile and high-performance tool (first acquisition in Europe), serving the international reach of research at the Saint-Etienne Manufacture site.
Its capabilities are now further exploited, thanks to the mutualisation of financial and human resources within the CLyM federation, FED 4092.
The objective of the acquisition of this transmission microscope is to meet the needs of the scientific community that are not met by the equipments currently available within the CLYM. It meets the two specific needs that have been identified:
- Imaging and chemical analysis at the atomic scale (Ultra-HR STEM)
- Atomic scale spectroscopic analysis for fine chemistry (valence / chemical bonds) and plasmonics (study of plasmons)
JEOL NeoARM 200F is equipped with:
- Cold FEG source - Alignments @ 60, 80 & 200 kV
- Remote station
- Probe corrector: CEOS ASCOR (6th order) + automatic software Cosmo JEOL
- Detectors :
- STEM Bright Field JEOL
- STEM Annular Dark Field JEOL
- STEM Annular Bright Field JEOL (&e-ABF)
- EDS SDD 1sr JEOL CENTURIO (single)
- CaméraCMOS GATAN RIO 4k (bottom mount), drift correction
- GIF Gatan Quantum ER
- STEM Bright Field Gatan
- STEM HAADF Gatan - Specimen holders :
- Single tilt:
- Tomography +/- 70° (grids)
- Tomography for FIB lamellae
- Double tilt analytic Be
Performances :
o Image : |
o EELS :0.3 eV
SEM FEI NovananoSEM 200
Best resolution is about 1 nm in high vacuum mode, while for non-conductive materials, low vacuum mode allows a great image quality with a resolution better than 2 nm, at 15 kV.
In low vac mode (p < 2 mbars-1.5 Torr), dielectric non-conductive samples almost do not need to be metallized.
NovananoSEM is equipped with different detectors :
- Everhard Thornley (SEI)
- Through the lens detector (TLD) for SEI and BSEI
- Gaseous detectors :
- LVD (SE at medium magnification)
- Helix (SE for the highest magnifications)
- Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy EDAX (SiLi), in high vac and low vac mode
Moreover, a Gatan in-situ tensile test machine is available.