
In the headlines

    • IEEE NPSS Paul Phelps 2024 award

      The IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society (NPSS) is the premier professional association for the advancement of the nuclear and plasma sciences, sponsoring seven technical conferences and three peer-reviewed...

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    • Nathalie Destouches, new senior member of the IUF

      Nathalie Destouches is our latest researcher to be appointed as a member of the Institut Universitaire de France (IUF). She was awarded an Innovation Chair as part of the 2024 Senior IUF promotion, for...

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    • Article: Photoniques, Trois images en une : comment la nanophotonique révolutionne le concept d’image imprimée

      Photoniques, the journal of the Société Française d’Optique, is a bimonthly publication dedicated entirely to optical solutions, encompassing both their design and application. In March 2024, an article...

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    • Workshop: Computing the Page in Early-Modern Europe, Oxford

      Last March, the Rey Ornaments Image investigation (ROIi) project team was invited to participate in a one-day academic workshop by the Visual Geometry Group (VGG), a distinguished research group specialising...

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    • Yearbook 2023

      Download our "2023 Yearbook" here (23.5 Mo)

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    • Inria MALICE

      Inria, the University Jean Monnet Saint-Étienne and the CNRS have created a joint project-team for the development of new methodologies in machine learning to address major scientific and technological...

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    • Funding secured for the PEPR LUMA’s SUNRISE moonshot!

      As follow-ups to the national 'France 2030' programs, ANR-operated 'Research Programs and Equipment' (PEPR) aim to build or consolidate French leadership in scientific fields of national and European...

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    • Jean-Philippe Colombier, laureate of the 2023 Paul Langevin Prize!

      Professor Jean-Philippe Colombier, a member of our Laser-Matter Interaction team, has just been announced as the latest recipient of the prestigious Paul Langevin Prize by the Société Française de Physique...

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    • The quest for resolution: a dynamic view on ultrafast laser extreme volume nanostructuring

      Keynote adress at the HPLA 2024 meeting in Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA

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    • Article: X-Ray Fault Injection in non-volatile memories on Power OFF devices

      Since 2018, the International Conferences on Physical Assurance and Inspection of Electronics (PAINE) gather researchers and practitioners in the field of Hardware Security and Trust to share ideas and...

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    • Article: Redox-active ions unlock substitutional doping in halide perovskites

      Our Image Science & Computer Vision team has contributed to a paper reporting the first ever effective doping of halide perovskites. Published in the journal Materials Horizons from the Royal Society...

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    • Article: Alternative local melting-solidification of suspended nanoparticles for heterostructure formation enabled by pulsed laser irradiation

      Last October, an article co-authored by Tatiana Itina, a member of our Laser Matter Interaction team,  was featured on the cover of  Advanced Functional Materials, a journal publishing outstanding research...

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    • The IEEE Student Branch Innovation Day - 19th October 2023

      The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) is a professional association for electronics engineering, electrical engineering and other related disciplines. With over 427,000 members...

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    • 2023 World Nuclear Exhibition (WNE) Innovation Award - ORANEF & dosiX

      The WNE is a prestigious and international event dedicated to civil nuclear power, where industry leaders gather to shape the future of the field. During its latest edition, the traditional Innovation...

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    • Tech4Diet project - Computer Vision and Machine Learning to treat obesity


      The non-adherence to obesity treatments is one of the main causes of their failure, turning obesity into a chronic disease in many countries of the world. The Tech4Diet project aims to take advantage...

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    • Article: Study of the photoluminescence enhancement observed in ZnO nanowire gratings optimally grown by hydrothermal method

      Advanced Optical Materials is an interdisciplinary forum for peer-reviewed papers on materials science which focuses on all aspects of light-matter interactions. Last July, an article published by our...

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    • Article: End-to-End Learned Early Classification of Time Series for In-Season Crop Type Mapping

      The International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing publishes a monthly journal that serves as a communication channel for scientists and professionals working in disciplines involving photogrammetry...

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    • Science Engineering Health Doctoral School (ED SIS) 2023 Prizes

      The ED SIS is a multidisciplinary doctoral school of the Université de Lyon. Its purpose is to contribute to the training and preparation for the professional projects of students carrying out a PhD...

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    • Thierry Lépine, new Senior Member of the Optica Society

      Associate professor at the Institut d’Optique Graduate School and researcher in our lab as part of our Image Science & Computer Vision team, Thierry Lépine was named last year senior member of Optica...

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    • Sylvain Girard and Rémi Emonet, new members of the IUF

      Sylvain Girard and Rémi Emonet have recently been appointed senior and junior members of the Institut Universitaire de France, respectively. This will take effect as of 1st October 2023, and for...

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    • Article: FOPPA: an open database of French public procurement award notices from 2010-2020

      Our Data Intelligence team recently published a paper in Nature - Scientific Data, presenting the partial results of their research conducted within the framework of the DeCoMaP ANR project  (ANR-19-CE38-0004)...

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    • Inauguration of the CNRS Polaris International Research Project

      Inauguration of Polaris at the Advanced Research Complex of the University of Ottawa, 20th April 2023.
      Left to right : 
      François Carrier (Director, International Research and Experiential Learning at uOttawa)...

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    • Mateus Simões: Best Student Paper award at HOST 2023

      Final year PhD student Mateus Simões has received a Best Student Paper award during the latest IEEE International Symposium on Hardware Oriented Security and Trust. The prize was awarded for his publication...

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    • Article: Proposal-Contrastive Pretraining for Object Detection from Fewer Data

      As part of the 11th ICLR 2023 held this year in Kigali, Rwanda, our Data Intelligence team presented their latest work on unsupervised contrastive representation learning for frugal object detection...

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    • New book: Ultrafast Laser Nanostructuring - The Pursuit of Extreme Scales

      The Head of the Laser Matter Interaction group at the Hubert Curien Laboratory, Razvan Stoian, has teamed up with Dr Jörn Bonse, researcher at the BAM Institute in Berlin, to edit a book dedicated to...

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    • Article: Towards Room Temperature Phase Transition of W-Doped VO2 Thin Films Deposited by Pulsed Laser Deposition: Thermochromic, Surface, and Structural Analysis

      Materials is an open access journal that publishes papers advancing the understanding of the relationship between the structure, properties, and functions of various materials. Last January, an article...

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    • Yearbook 2022

      Download our "2022 Yearbook" here (23.5 Mo)

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    • Pint of Science 2023

      Our lab is participating in the 2023 edition of the Pint of Science Festival! The worlwide event brings researchers to local pubs/cafes/spaces to share their scientific discoveries.
      This year, Professor...

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    • The QA Company

      The QA Company is a startup founded in 2019 by Pierre Maret, professor of Computer Science and researcher in Data Intelligence within our lab, together with his former doctoral student Dennis Diefenbach...

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    • Nicolas Dalloz: C’Nano PhD thesis award

      The CNRS French national competency Cluster in Nanoscience, C’Nano, is a support and research unit serving the French scientific community in nanoscience. For the fifth year last March, it has organized...

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    • Article: Multitemporal Speckle Reduction With Self-Supervised Deep Neural Networks

      In January 2023, our Image Science & Computer Vision team published a paper in IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (TGRS). The journal publishes technical papers disclosing new and significant...

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    • Article: Gamma Ray Effects on Multi-Colored Commercial Light-Emitting Diodes at MGy Level

      An invited paper recently published by our MOPERE team in the special issue ‘Radiation Tolerant Electronics, Vol. III’ of the journal Electronics was selected amongst 252 articles to appear on the cover...

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    • Article: Nature Photonics - Hard X-ray helical dichroism of disordered molecular media

      Figure 1 above: Δ (right) and Λ (left) enantiomers of chiral Iron tris-dimethyl-bipyridine used in the experiment.
      Last July, an article by the Laboratoire Hubert Curien’s Laser Matter Interaction team...

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    • Vincenzo De Michele: Best USTV 2021 PhD thesis award

      Vincenzo De Michele is the recipient of the 2021 best thesis award from the “Union pour la Science et la Technologie Verrières” (USTV). The prize awarded Vincenzo’s doctoral work addressing the science...

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    • IEEE GRSS Symposium Prize Paper Award

      Emanuele Dalsasso, Inès Meraoumia, Loïc Denis and Florence Tupin have received the 2021 IEEE GRSS Symposium Prize Paper Awardduring the latest IEEE IGARSS conference, for their paper "Exploiting multi-temporal...

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    • Science Engineering Health Doctoral School (ED SIS) 2022 Prizes

      The ED SIS is a multidisciplinary doctoral school of the Université de Lyon's doctoral college. Its purpose is to contribute to the training and preparation for the professional projects of students carrying...

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    • Article: High-Density Nanowells Formation in Ultrafast Laser-Irradiated Thin Film Metallic Glass

      Image above: Nanowells generated on a thin layer of metallic glass irradiated by ultrafast laser pulses.
      Last April, an article by the Laboratoire Hubert Curien’s Laser Matter Interaction team has been...

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    • Best poster presentation award for Ana Florencia Juarez Saborio, SFEC Conference 2022

      During its latest conference, the Société Francophone d’Etude des Carbones (SFEC) has awarded its best poster presentation prize to Ana Florencia Juarez Saborio, a young doctoral student from our Laser...

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    • Article: Bitslice Masking and Improved Shuffling: How and When to Mix Them in Software?

      The Laboratoire Hubert Curien’s SESAM team has released an article in TCHES, a journal/conference hybrid publication model highlighting new results in the design and analysis of cryptographic hardware...

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    • Article: Boosted Spontaneous Formation of High-Aspect Ratio Nanopeaks on Ultrafast Laser-Irradiated Ni Surface

      Image above: Schematic illustration of the ultrafast laser irradiation process on a Nickel layer, and microscopic view of the generated high peaks' regular and self-organized structure.
      An article by...

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    • LAMCID, a new Joint Lab with HID Global

      Our website features a high impact scientific article published by our Functional Materials and Surfaces team, titled «Anti-Counterfeiting White Light Printed Image Multiplexing by Fast Nanosecond Laser...

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    • Best Student Poster Award for Hugo Boiron, IEEE INERTIAL 2022

      Doctoral student Hugo Boiron has won the best student poster award at the IEEE INERTIAL 2022 conference, the exclusive international Symposium on Inertial Sensors and Systems. The conference was held...

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    • Cosimo Campanella receives the IEEE NPSS Paul Phelps 2022 Prize

      Cosimo Campanella is the recipient of the 2022 Paul Phelps Award of the IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society (NPSS) that recognizes “exceptional promise as a student, postdoc or research associate...

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      The Institut Universitaire de France (IUF, Academic Institute of France) is a service of the French Ministry of Higher Education that distinguishes each year a small number of university professors for...

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    • Article: Super-efficient drilling of metals with ultrafast non diffractive laser beams

      One of the Laboratoire Hubert Curien’s  Laser-Matter Interaction team latest publications, lead by Huu Dat Nguyen, has appeared in Scientific Reports, from the publishers of Nature. The team have developed...

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    • Article: Optimization of the Radiation Response of Backup Optical Fiber Amplifiers for Space Missions

      In January 2022, an article by the Laboratoire ­Hubert ­Curien’s MOPERE team has been ­published in IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science. The work has been ­produced within the “LabH6” Joint Lab framework...

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    • Article: Anti-Counterfeiting White Light Printed Image Multiplexing by Fast Nanosecond Laser Processing

      Last January, an article written by the Laboratoire Hubert Curien’s Functional Materials and Surfaces team was published in Advanced Materials, a very high impact interdisciplinary journal published by...

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    • PREMIERE project - European Commission

      The PREMIERE project is an illustration of the growing importance of the interrelationships between AI and XR ­technology developments, and an example of their potential extensive applications.
      With 11...

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    • FELs of Europe Award recognises our researcher Jérémy Rouxel

      FELs of Europe is a collaboration of all free electron laser (FEL) facilities in Europe, with the goal to meet the technological and scientific challenges of these novel and rapidly developing technologies...

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      A new article by the Laboratoire Hubert Curien’s Data Intelligence Team will be presented during the next AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (22nd February - 1st March 2022).
      The optimal transport...

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    • Loïc Denis, new Associate Editor of IEEE

      Loïc Denis has joined the Editorial Board of the IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, the flagship journal in image processing, to serve as an Associate Editor.
      Loïc’s research activity focuses on the...

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    • Deep Learning detection of nanoparticles and multiple object tracking of their dynamic evolution during in situ ETEM studies

      A new article by the Laboratoire Hubert Curien’s Image Science and Computer Vision Team regarding multiple object tracking has recently been published in the multi-disciplinary journal Scientific Reports...

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    • Recent ADD-ON progress

      The Laboratoire Hubert Curien‘s MOPERE and Functional Materials and Surfaces teams are collaborating with PhotonFirst (NL, and Airbus (as Topic Manager) within the CleanSky...

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    • L’UJM partenaire du projet Usines De Demain sur les sites industriels d’Orano

      L’Université Jean Monnet Saint-Étienne est partenaire d’un projet de développement intitulé udd@Orano (pour Usines De Demain sur les sites industriels d’Orano). Coordonné par Orano, ce projet fédère 11...

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    • Understanding Deep Neural Networks with Game Theory

      The theoretical analysis of deep neural networks (DNN) is arguably among the most challenging research directions in machine learning right now, as it requires scientists to lay novel statistical learning...

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    • Projet ANR JCJC "Nouveau procédé d'élaboration de revêtements micro-nanostructurés à base de nitrure métallique" porté par Nicolas Crespo-Monteiro

      Le projet NITRURATION (Projet JCJC de 42 mois) vise à développer un procédé de micro-nanostructuration de nitrure métallique à partir de la nitruration de sol-gel d’oxyde métallique (TiO2, ZrO2…) micro-nanostructurés...

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    • Best Paper at CAIP 2021 for our work on material image classification

      Sixiang XU, PhD student in our lab, has been awarded for the best paper at the International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns (CAIP 2021) on September 30th. His paper entitled "Deep...

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    • Vincent Duveiller, Awarded the Best Student Paper Award at the Color Imaging Conference 2020

      Since his last year of study at the Institut d'Optique Graduate School and in the OIVM master's program at Jean Monnet University, AIMA track, Vincent Duveiller has been interested in the appearance of...

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    • 14 juin 2021: Réflectance, BRDF, BSSRDF… Quand l’eau s’en mêle !

      Créé à l’initiative du GDR 2044 APPAMAT, un premier atelier national sur les effets optiques et visuels du mouillage d’une surface par de l’eau s’est tenu en ligne le 14 juin 2021, animé par Lionel Simonot...

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    • First Plenary Meeting of LaserImplant (EU Horizon 2020) Held in Austria

      After the kick-off 6 months back in January, the 1st Plenary Meeting of LaserImplant project (Grant ID: 951730) was organized and held at Johannes Kepler University (JKU) in Linz, Austria, on the 5th...

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    • 3D Photonics

      An invited contribution/cover published in Photonics ( puts forward a collaborative research on ultrafast laser fabrication of 3D Photonics in bulk chalcogenide...

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    • Alexis Dufour received the 2021 "Journée de la Recherche " award from the Jean Monnet University and Doctoral School of Saint Etienne

      Alexis Dufour received the 2021 “Journée de la Recherche" award from the Jean Monnet University and Doctoral School of Saint Etienne (EDSIS), promoting 2nd year PhD students work with a poster and a short...

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    • Scientific game jam : prix spécial du jury

      Cyril Li et son équipe ont remporté le prix spécial “WallE” du jury au Scientific Game Jam 2021 dans le cadre du festival La Science Entre en Jeu ( Ce festival, organisé...

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    • Prix IEEE NPSS Paul Phelps 2021

      Marine Aubry is the recipient of the 2021 Paul Phelps Award of the IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society (NPSS) that recognizes “exceptional promise as a student, postdoc or research associate in any...

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    • Transient gratings

      Nature Photonics has just published an article describing the X-ray transient grating spectroscopy, an ultrafast nonlinear spectroscopic technique, demonstrated by an international team involving the...

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    • An AI-Powered Blood Test to Detect Cancer Using NanoDSF (paper of the Data Intelligence team in the CANCERS Journal)

      Brain cancers, such as gliomas, are very difficult to detect because of their localization and late onset of symptoms. In this paper, we provide a novel cancer detection method based on plasma denaturation...

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    • Publication d'un article de l'équipe SESAM à EUROCRYTP 2021

      L'équipe SESAM vient de se voir accepter la publication de ses derniers travaux sur la cryptanalyse en temps linéaire d'un algorithme de chiffrement post-quantique basé sur les codes en exploitant la...

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    • Best paper award

      "Nanosphere Photolithography: The Influence of Nanopore Arrays Disorder on Extraordinary Optical Transmission", 9th International Conference on Photonics, Optics and Laser Technology (PHOTOPTICS), 11...

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    • Laser‐Empowered Random Metasurfaces for White Light Printed Image Multiplexing

      Going beyond the ink-less color printing with lasers, this paper from Hubert Curien laboratory, published in Advanced Functional Materials, demonstrates the femtosecond-laser printing of multiplexed color...

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    • Pierre Chavel distingué par le Robert E. Hopkins Leadership Award de l’OSA

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    • Projet PhotonHub Europe

      Le projet PhotonHub Europe (, un nouveau centre paneuropéen d'innovation numérique en photonique, bénéficie d'un investissement de 19 millions d'euros dans le cadre du programme...

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    • Projet PhotonHub Europe

      Le projet PhotonHub Europe (, un nouveau centre paneuropéen d'innovation numérique en photonique, bénéficie d'un investissement de 19 millions d'euros dans le cadre du programme...

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    • Projet RADNEXT

      Le projet INFRAIA-02-2020 RADNEXT (RADiation facility Network for the EXploration of effects for indusTry and research,, coordonné par le CERN (

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    • European Innovation Council

      Laboratoire Hubert Curien (UMR CNRS 5516), joined by another UJM laboratory Sainbiose (U1059 INSERM), is participating EU Horizon H2020 EIC (European Innovation Council) project “LaserImplants”, together...

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    • Programmes Investissements d’avenir : Campagne d’irradiations à l’IRSN

      Le groupe MOPERE (Matériaux pour l'Optique et la Photonique en Environnements Radiatifs Extrêmes) du laboratoire Hubert Curien vient de lancer une campagne d'irradiation gamma de trois semaines auprès...

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    • Un article à paraitre le 1er avril dans Optics Letters, dont le titre est « Hypertelescope with multiplexed fields of view »

      Un article à paraitre le 1er avril dans Optics Letters, dont le titre est « Hypertelescope with multiplexed fields of view »  (, co-signé...

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    • Excellence prize awarded by the Foundation of the University

      Olivier Flasseur is the recipient of the Ph.D. excellence prize awarded by the Foundation of the University (Fondation Université Jean Monnet).
      Olivier Flasseur has proposed an approach that is particularly...

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    • Un article du Laboratoire dans le « Top Downloads » du Journal of the Optical Society of America A (JOSA A)

      L’article s’intitule : « From Fienup’s phase retrieval techniques to regularized inversion for in-line holography: tutorial », paru en Décembre 2019 dans le Journal of the Optical Society of America A...

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    • Remise du prix de thèse Renatech (Novembre 2019)

      Remise du prix de thèse Renatech (Novembre 2019)
      Loïc Berthod a soutenu sa thèse en mai 2017, avec un financement de la Région Rhône Alpes (ARC4). Il a effectué sa thèse au Laboratoire Hubert Curien, sous...

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    • Plusieurs membres du laboratoire à la nuit européenne des chercheurs

      Plusieurs membres du laboratoires ont participé à l'édition stéphanoise de la nuit européenne des chercheurs , qui a eu lieu le 27 septembre 2019 :
      Lilian Bossuet
      Brice Colombier
      Nicolas Dalloz

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    • Best Student Presentation Prize

      Best Student Presentation Prize : Erika Koussi
      EOS (Topical Meeting on Diffractive Optics Conference)
      16-19 Septembre 2019 à Jena (Allemagne)

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    • Alain Trémeau promu Honorary Doctor de l’University of Eastern Finland

      Le titre de Honorary Doctor est la plus haute distinction que l’University of Eastern Finland peut conférer à une personne. Alain Trémeau est l’un des 12 promus de la troisième cohorte de Honorary Doctor...

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    • Le Laboratoire Hubert Curien accueille la première Assemblée Générale du GDR APPAMAT

      Créé officiellement le 1er janvier 2019 le GDR APPAMAT – Apparence des matériaux a tenu sa 1ère journée scientifique le 11 Juin 2019 sur la Campus Manufacture dans les locaux de Télécom Saint-Etienne...

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    • Le laboratoire à l’Institut Beckman, l’Université de Illinois

      10/05/2019 Dr. Razvan Stoian, coordinator of the “Laser-Matter Interaction” group, gave an invited seminar at the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology of the University of Illinois, presenting...

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    • Imprimer des images cachées dans des supports transparents

      Des chercheurs du Laboratoire Hubert Curien1, en collaboration avec la société HID Global CID2 et le laboratoire Matériaux : ingénierie et science3, ont développé une technologie laser permettant d’imprimer...

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    • Prix de thèse IA 2019 Valentina ZANTEDESCHI

      Valentina ZANTEDESCHI a obtenu le 1er prix de thèse IA 2019 de l'AFIA (ex-aequo avec Anaëlle WILCZYNSKI, Université Parie Dauphine / LAMSADE)
      Titre de la thèse : Une vue unifiée de l'apprentissage local...

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    • Young author best student paper au Computational Color Imaging Workshop (CCIW 2019) à Chiba, Japon

      A l'occasion du workshop biennal sur l'imagerie couleur, Computational Color Imaging Workshop CCIW'2019, qui s'est tenu du 27 au 29 mars 2019 à Chiba au Japon, le prix Young author best student paper...

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      With electromagnetic modeling of plasmonic nanostructures we contributed to demonstrate that the spatial and spectral coupling between the resonant scattering of individual aluminum tetramers and the...

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    • Le prix du meilleur projet scientifique des dix dernières années financé dans le cadre du programme OTAN "Science for Peace and Security" (SPS) a été décerné le 29 novembre 2018 dernier à Bruxelles au Professeur Viktor Fischer membre de l’équipe SESAM du Laboratoire Hubert Curien.

      Le prix "2018 NATO Science Partnership Prize" a été attribué par l’OTAN aux Professeurs Otokar Grosek de l'Université Slovaque de Technologie de Bratislava, Slovaquie, et Viktor Fischer de l'Université...

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    • Plaque de verre de 4 mm d’épaisseur sur un papier photographique blanc éclairée par un pointeur laser. (a) Contact optique : la plaque est « collée » au support diffusant à l’aide d’une huile d’indice de réfraction proche de celui du verre, (b) sans contact optique : la plaque est simplement posée sur le support diffusant.

      Halo lumineux dans les surfaces vernies ou revêtues

      En éclairant avec un faisceau très fin une surface diffusante vernie, vitrifiée ou plastifiée, la diffusion de la lumière fait apparaitre un anneau lumineux autour du point d’impact. Si ce halo n'est...

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    • Second workshop on gaussian processes at Saint-Étienne

      From 9th to 11th of October 2018
      In the continuity of the First workshop on gaussian processes at Saint-Étienne, the aim of this second edition is to gather different researchers from different communities...

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    • Visualiser des microbulles de cavitation dans un liquide contenant des nanoparticules

      Des chercheurs du Laboratoire Hubert Curien et de l'Institut lumière matière ont développé un dispositif qui permet de visualiser la formation et l'évolution de microbulles de cavitation dans un liquide...

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    • "Maîtriser l’interaction laser-matière pour former des nanostructures métalliques à grande échelle sur des surfaces souples ou rigides et en contrôler l’apparence visuelle"

      Ces travaux du laboratoire Hubert Curien menés en collaboration avec 4 autres partenaires sont mis en avant dans le rapport d'activité 2017 de l'ANR (p61)

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    • Student Award à E-MRS Spring Meeting 2018

      Leïla Ben Mahfoud  (à droite sur la photo) a obtenu un prix décerné aux jeunes scientifiques de la société européenne de recherche en matériaux au symposium X (Photon-assisted synthesis and processing...

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    • Halo and subsurface scattering in the transparent coating on top of a diffusing material

      Vernir ou vitrifier un support opaque n'a pas seulement pour effet de le rendre moins terne et plus brillant, cela conduit aussi la lumière à se propager dans la couche transparente de manière très particulière...

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    • Prix de thèse Brice Colombier

      Brice Colombier a reçu le prix de thèse 2018 de l'Association des Amis de l'Université de Lyon pour les domaines de l'informatique industrielle, des systèmes sécuritaires, de l'électronique et des systèmes...

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    • 13ème Journée Sol-Gel et Chimie Liquide Rhône-Alpes-Auvergne (JSGAuRA)

      Le Laboratoire Hubert Curien (LabHC), Sigma-Clermont associée à l’Institut de Chimie de Clermont-Ferrand (ICCF), et le Laboratoire des Matériaux et du Génie Physique (LMGP – Grenoble INP) ont organisé...

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    • Manutech-Sleight "Surfaces Light Engineering- Health & Society":

      Manutech-Sleight "Surfaces Light Engineering- Health & Society": in the framework of the “Investissement d'Avenir” Program 3 (a state funded program dedicated to excellence in higher education), Université Jean Monnet (UJM) obtains a substantial financial support to implement a Graduate School for the benefit of the Lyon Saint-Etienne site (as part of Université de Lyon)

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    • Riad SAHLI received the award of the best poster presentation at the LeedsLyon 2017

      This prize rewards Riad SAHLI's presentation of the poster entitled "Effect of contact area reduction under shear on static friction", a joint work with Christophe DUCOTTET (Laboratoire Hubert Curien...

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    • Observing laser nanostructuring

      Researchers at the Laboratoire Hubert Curien, St. Etienne and Max-Born Institute in Berlin have developed a multiscale imaging method to observe matter relaxation dynamics and the formation of nanoscale...

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    • Michaël Perrot received the 2017 Best Phd Thesis award in Artificial Intelligence

      Michaël Perrot received the 2017 Best Phd Thesis award in Artificial Intelligence from the French society for Artificial Intelligence (AFIA which promotes the best national research...

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    • Simon Mure received the 2017 IRIS Inspection Machines prize

      On June 21, 2017, Simon Mure received the 2017 IRIS Inspection Machines prize awarded by the association des amis de l'université de Lyon for his PhD defended on December 2, 2016 entitled: Unsupervised...

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    • Cédric Marchand et Michael Perrot - Lauréats du prix d'excellence doctorat 2016 de la Fondation de l'UJM

      Lors de la soirée annuelle de la Fondation de l'UJM qui a eu lieu le mardi 13 juin 2017, Cédric Marchant (thématique SESAM) et Michael Perrot (thématique Data Intelligence) se sont vus remettre le prix d'excellence...

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    • Adriana Morana Wins the IEEE NPSS Paul Phelps Award 2017

      Adriana MORANA has been awarded the 2017 IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society (NPSS) Paul Phelps Award. The IEEE NPSS ( is the premier professional association for the advancement...

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    • L'auto-organisation induite par laser ultra bref entre dans une nouvelle dimension avec les films nanocomposites

      L'auto-organisation des surfaces induite par laser ultra bref fait l'objet de nombreuses études depuis une cinquantaine d'années sur tous types de matériaux pour les nombreux débouchés applicatifs qu'elle...

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    • Lilian Bossuet lauréat du Grand Prix de l’Electronique Général Ferrié 2016

      Le 5 décembre 2016, Lilian Bossuet, Maître Conférences HDR à l’Université Jean Monnet, s’est vu remettre par le Colonel Claude Bouthillier, Président d’honneur de l’UNATRANS (Union Nationale des Transmissions)...

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    • An original theoretical approach offers new insights into the Fano resonances in plasmonic systems

      A group of Laboratory Hubert Curien (UMR CNRS 5516) has developed an original theoretical approach that provides an insightful analysis of the mechanism at the origin of Fano resonances in plasmonic oligomers...

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    • IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM)

      La conférence internationale 2016 IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM) accueillera Raphael Clerc, chercheur au laboratoire hubert curien dans l’équipe MISS pour présenter une synthèse de...

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    • Quand un laser ultrabref permet d’atteindre des conditions extrêmes modifiant la symétrie d’un cristal

      Une équipe de recherche du Laboratoire Hubert Curien (UMR CNRS 5516) a révélé et expliqué la présence de défauts cristallins singuliers sur des matériaux irradiés par des impulsions laser ultrabrèves.

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    • Des travaux de l’équipe MMIS distingués du "Best Paper Award WIO 2015"

      Mathieu Hébert, Serge Mazauric et Thierry Fournel de l’équipe MMIS du Laboratoire Hubert Curien ont reçu vendredi 15 juillet 2016, lors de la dernière édition du Workshop on Information Optics (WIO 2016) à Barcelone, le prix du "Best Paper Award" pour des travaux présentés à l’édition de 2015 à Kyoto : "Flux transfer model for designing visual effects by halftone printing".

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    • Laboratoire Hubert Curien is developing radiation hard optical systems for ITER

      The LabHC of UJM is involved in the development of a miniature radiation hard camera for ITER inspection and maintenance applications.

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    • Best Student Paper Award at ISROS 2016

      Ayoub Ladaci received the ISROS 2016 Best Student Paper Award (Poster) at the 4th International Symposium on Reliability of Optoelectronics for Systems [being held in Warsaw, Poland, June 6-9, 2016...

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    • Outstanding Student Paper Award at LPM 2016

      Anton Rudenko received the LPM 2016 Outstanding Student Paper Award (Oral) at the 17th International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication [behing held in Xi’an, China, May 23-27, 2016] for his...

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    • IEEE GRSS Transactions Prize Paper Award

      A paper co-authored by Charles Deledalle (Institut Mathématique de Bordeaux), Loïc Denis (Laboratoire Hubert Curien), Florence Tupin (LTCI Télécom Paristech), Andréas Reigber and Marc Jäger (German aerospace center DLR) has been awarded the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society 2016 Transactions Prize Paper Award. This award is given once a year to a paper judged to be of exceptional merit published in the IEEE transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (

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    • Pixel Super Resolution // Super résolution numérique

      N. VERRIER, N. GROSJEAN, E. DIB, L. MEES, C. FOURNIER, JL MARIE "Improvement of the size estimation of 3D tracked droplets using digital in-line holography with joint estimation reconstruction." Measurement Science and Technology, Volume 27, Number 4

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    • SALWARE : lutter contre la contrefaçon des circuits micro-électroniques

      Démarré en 2013 et porté par le Laboratoire Hubert Curien1, le projet SALWARE propose aujourd’hui trois pistes technologiques concrètes destinées à protéger la propriété intellectuelle des circuits intégrés...

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      From 29th of May to 1st of June 2022, in Porquerolles, France.
      The next CryptArchi workshop will be held in Porquerolles in France, from May 29 to June 1, 2022.

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