Web Intelligence
"Web Intelligence" is funded by the French Administrative Region (Région Rhône-Alpes) in the context of the ISLE Research Cluster. A consortium of researchers working in several laboratories of the Region Rhône-Alpes on topics exploiting Artificial Intelligence and advanced information technology on the Web and on the Internet. The objective of the project is to establish in the Région Rhône Alpes an integrated, multidisciplinary, and European leading research community in the area of Web Intelligence by: analyzing and understanding current and possible future roles of the Web and Internet from the users’ perspective ; contributing to the development of technologies for the current and future evolutions of the Web and Internet ; proposing up-to-date teaching material on Web Intelligence topics for students at the undergraduate and graduate levels , but also for ICT companies and main actors ; establishing a dense and fruitful network with the Rhône-Alpes industry for the technology transfer of the results of Web Intelligence project.