Job opportunities

Job opportunities

Please contact us for possible master or doctoral stays. Contact: Sylvain Girard, Email:

Ph.D. openings

    • PhD: Radiation effects of non-metallic materials for optical systems in extreme environments

      Start: 1st October 2024

      Duration: 36 months

      Application deadline: 30th June 2024

      Location: Laboratoire Hubert Curien, Saint-Etienne, France

      Note: All employment at the Hubert Curien Laboratory is decided on the sole basis of qualifications, competence, integrity and organizational need. All are encouraged to apply to job openings regardless of their origin, identity, health, beliefs and orientations.

      The PhD topic is focused on the study of the radiation effects on commercial polymeric materials of interest in different irradiation conditions, with special focus on extreme high-radiation applications. 


      • MSc degree or equivalent in applied/experimental physics, engineering, materials science, chemistry or science in general.
      • Analytic and experimental skills proven by MSc-work or work experience.
      • Affinity with practical work to run experiments.
      • Flexible attitude and adaptability towards the operation of experimental settings.
      • Positive attitude towards a multidisciplinary environment with multiple stakeholders.
      • Good knowledge of the English language (oral and writing) or of French language.
      • Good communications skills (soft-skills).

      Download the detailed offer here

      Information and application: CV, cover letter and copy of ID document to be sent to:

      Matteo Ferrari (PhD supervisor) @ 

      Published on May 6, 2024

    • PhD: Radiation effects on opto-electronic technologies

      Start: 1st October 2024

      Application deadline: 15th March 2024

      Location: Laboratoire Hubert Curien, Saint-Etienne, France

      The objective of this doctoral thesis is to identify the mechanisms at play in the modification of optoelectronic components exposed to radiation. This experimental doctorate will aim to set up and apply an irradiation/characterization protocol for optoelectronic components. The components will be characterized during irradiation by different types of particles (high-energy photons, protons, electrons) to highlight the degradation induced by radiation during their missions. This experimental approach will be applied to several optoelectronic components, notably multijunction solar cells used in space, but also components of optical power transmission systems (laser diodes, optical fibers, photo transducers). The complete and assembled systems will also be studied to identify, under real conditions of use, the interactions between the components most impacted by the modifications induced by radiation. All of these studies will clarify the degradation mechanisms of optoelectronic components and systems operating in radiative environments, and will open up research perspectives for more complex systems.


      • Master's degree in Physics, Materials Science or equivalent, with preferably a specialization in optics or optoelectronics.
      • Excellent academic level compatible with pursuing doctoral studies.
      • Pronounced taste for experimental research
      • Demonstrate initiative, autonomy, scientific curiosity 
      • Strong motivation to pursue a 3-year doctorate
      • Ability to communicate in both spoken and written English
      • Good communication and cooperation skills

      Download the detailed offer: «240111_PhD Job offer_MOPERE_EN.pdf» (193.8 Ko)

      Télécharger l'offre détaillée: «240111_Offre de poste Thèse_MOPERE_FR.pdf» (192.9 Ko)

      Applications should be sent by email to both supervisors (maxime.darnon @ and sylvain.girard @ by March 15th, 2024, and must contain a cover letter, a curriculum vitae and a copy of master's transcripts available on the date of application.

      Applications will be processed upon receipt, and applicants are encouraged to apply without delay. The recruitment procedure includes an audition planned for mid-May 2024.

      Published on January 12, 2024

    • PhD: Cryogenic temperature measurements using fiber Bragg gratings (MOPERE team)

      Location: Laboratoire Hubert Curien, Saint-Etienne, France

      The main objective of the PhD, conducted in collaboration with a very prominent French industrial company in the aerospace field, is to identify and test a sensing chain based on Bragg grating technology (FBG) and optimized for cryogenic temperature measurement. The innovative tasks involve the various elements of the measurement chain, including the optical fiber, the type of Bragg grating and the interrogator. The aim of the thesis, which will be mainly experimental, will be to design and manufacture the sensors, and to determine and optimize the achievable performance according to the implementation conditions for different industrial use profiles.


      • Master's degree in physics or materials science with excellent grades, preferably with a specialization in optics and photonics.
      • Knowledge of at least one programming language: Matlab, Python, etc.
      • Motivation to tackle interdisciplinary problems and to collaborate
      • High motivation for completing a PhD within three years
      • Excellent organizational skills
      • Ability to show initiative and work independently
      • Excellent cooperation and communication skills, and ability to work as part of a team
      • Excellent skills in spoken and written English

      Download the detailed offer here

      Published on August 25, 2023

    • PhD: Advanced Architectures of Fiber-based Dosimeters (MOPERE team)

      Location: CEA DAM Ile de France, 91290, Arpajon, France   ( )

      The main objective of the PhD thesis will be to identify and validate concepts for one or more fiber sensors for in situ characterization (flux, fluence, spatial homogeneity) of CEA facilities. Another objective will be to design one or more detectors that can be used to characterize experimental facilities that are alternative or complementary to those available at CEA and those usually used to study the vulnerability and qualification of electronic components in a radiation environment


      • Master's degree or engineering diploma in microelectronics, optoelectronics and photonics, nuclear instrumentation or physics of large instruments.
      • Main skills sought are in instrumentation and optoelectronics. Good scientific programming skills are also required.

      Download the detailed offer here

      Published on August 25, 2023

    • PhD: Characterisation of dosimeters based on optical materials for extreme radiation environments

      Start: 2nd October 2023

      Duration: 36 months

      Location: Laboratoire Hubert Curien, Saint-Etienne, France

      Note: All employment at the Hubert Curien Laboratory is decided on the sole basis of qualifications, competence, integrity and organizational need. All are encouraged to apply to job openings regardless of their origin, identity, health, beliefs and orientations.

      The PhD topic is focused on the characterization of the radiation response of Radio-Photoluminescence dosimeters, Optical Fiber-based dosimeters and other dosimeters of interest in different irradiation conditions, for both passive and on-line use and with special focus on high-radiation applications.


      • An MSc or equivalent in applied/experimental physics, engineering or materials science.
      • Analytical and experimental skills proven by MSc-work or work experience.
      • Affinity with practical work to run experiments.
      • Flexible attitude and adaptability towards the operation of experimental settings.
      • Positive attitude towards a multidisciplinary environment with multiple stakeholders.
      • Good knowledge of the English language (oral and writing) or of French language.
      • Good communications skills (soft-skills).

      Download the detailed offer here

      Information and application: CV, cover letter and copy of ID document to be sent to:

      Matteo Ferrari (PhD supervisor) @ 

      Published on April 13, 2023

Postdoc openings

    • Offre de Thèse - Nouveaux détecteurs de radiations (Laboratoire Hubert Curien/CNES)

      Lieu de travail : Laboratoire Hubert Curien

      Profil recherché: Titulaire d'un diplôme d'ingénieur ou master en électronique/optoélectronique (spécialité dans les chaines de détection faible bruit serait un plus)

      Mission: Les travaux de thèse porteront sur les nouvelles technologies de détecteurs optiques susceptibles d’améliorer nos moniteurs de radiation pour l’environnement spatial : spectromètres et dosimètres. Le travail du doctorant sera séparé selon deux axes principaux de recherche regroupés autour de la détection de radiations grâce aux nouveaux composants optiques tels que les SPADs et SiPM.

      1/ Dosimétrie fibrée par radioluminescence Depuis plusieurs années le CNES développe, en partenariat avec le laboratoire Hubert Curien et iXblue, un dosimètre basé sur le phénomène de RIA (Radiation Induced Attenuation) Une nouvelle méthode de détection active, plus performante et particulièrement adaptée à la mesure de faibles débits de dose, consiste à mesurer la RIL (Radiation Induced Luminescence) d’autres types de fibres radiosensibles exposées à des particules ionisantes. La plupart des essais ont été réalisés en utilisant des tubes photomultiplicateurs (PMTs) pour la détection de la radioluminescence. Pour des applications spatiales, des solutions à base de SPADS (Single Photon Avalanche Diode) ou SiPM (Silicon PhotoMultiplier) sont envisagées pour une détection optimisée. En particulier, ces composants pourraient remplacer avantageusement les PMTs. Le premier objectif de la these sera donc d’évaluer la possibilité d’utiliser ces composants en environnement spatial pour la mesure de dose. L’expertise et les moyens de TRAD nous permettront de sélectionner puis tester les composants les plus adaptés pour la mesure RIL. La seconde tâche consistera au dimensionnement de la chaine de détection RIL en fonction des propriétés du signal de radio luminescence. L’utilisation de photodiodes à avalanche sur fibres optiques implique plusieurs problématiques de couplages optoélectroniques. Afin de concevoir une chaine de de détection complète adaptée à la mesure de TID il sera également nécessaire de concevoir un circuit électronique capable de ne pas saturer lors des forts débits de dose tout en conservant une sensibilité sur les variations aux plus grandes échelles de temps. 

      2/ Détection de particules chargées Certaines publications dans le domaine de la détection de particules ont étudié de près le potentiel des SPAD à agir en tant que détecteurs de particules chargées. 

      Par rapport à nos méthodes classiques de détection, le SPAD peut apporter un intérêt sur deux tableaux: 

      • Un rapport signal à bruit très bon 
      • Temps très rapide de commutation (100ps), permet d'éviter les phénomènes de saturation. 

      Cependant, il y a certains inconvénients à cette technologie, que le doctorant devra appréhender : 

      • Assez sensible à la température. 
      • Phénomènes de 'dark counts'. 

      Le premier objectif sera donc de caractériser le comportement des SPAD à différentes températures sous différentes sources. L’expertise de TRAD, tant du Service Ingénierie que Test, et éventuellement ses moyens pourront être mises à disposition dans le cadre de cette thèse. 

      Le second objectif sera le traitement des données pour identifier une méthode et un point de fonctionnement permettant de dissocier les phénomènes de dark count et des particules interagissant avec le composant.

      Directeur de thèse: Sylvain Girard  sylvain.girard @ 

      Postuler sur le site du CNES: 

      Published on February 1, 2023

Master internship openings

    • Internship - Réalisation de lasers DFB basés sur l’inscription de réseaux de Bragg fibrés par une technique point-à-point sur une station à laser femtoseconde

      Period: February/March 2024 to Agust 2024 (6 months)

      Locations: Until the end of July 2024 the selected candidate will be based at LabH6 (Laboratoire Hubert Curien, Université Jean Monnet St-Etienne), then at Exail  in Lannion. The accommodation in Lannion will be booked and funded by Exail.

      Interested candidates should get in touch with:

      • Laurent LABLONDE, laurent.lablonde @

      Télécharger le fichier «231221_Internship offer_LabH6.pdf» (744.2 Ko)

      Published on December 4, 2023