Job opportunities

Unsolicited Application

We are always looking for talented researchers. People interested in joining our research group should send a resume and a brief list of research interests to Yves Jourlin (yves.jourlin @ More detailed information about master thesis positions, PhD positions and Postdoc positions are given below.

Postdoc openings

    • Offre de Post-Doctorat: Fonctionnalisation de surfaces métalliques par sol-gel micro-nanostructurable

      Début: Septembre/Octobre 2024.

      Durée: 18 mois.

      Localisation: Laboratoire Hubert Curien, Saint-Etienne, France.

      Candidatures: à envoyer avant le 19 Juillet 2024.

      Le travail portera sur l’étude et l’amélioration de l’adhérence entre un sol-gel structurable et un substrat métallique.

      Compétences recherchées: 

      • Caractérisation des interfaces et des matériaux
      • Synthèse et dépôt sol-gel
      • Autonomie, rigueur
      • Goût prononcé pour le travail multidisciplinaire

      Télécharger la fiche de poste

      Information et envoi des candidatures: CV, lettre de motivation ainsi qu’une ou deux lettres de recommandation à envoyer à:

      • Nicolas Crespo-Monteiro :  nicolas.crespo.monteiro @ 
      • Yves Jourlin :  yves.jourlin @ 

      Ce projet bénéficie d’un financement de l’EUR MANUTECH-SLEIGHT.

      Published on June 24, 2024

    • Post-Doc: Surface functionalization and characterization for surface plasmon resonance-based sensing - MonBone Project

      Start: ASAP (Urgent)

      Duration: 12 months

      Location: Saint-Etienne (Laboratoire Sainbiose,  / Laboratoire Hubert Curien)

      Prerequisite: The candidate must have defended his/her thesis in the last 3 years

      MonBone Project  (Manutech-SLEIGHT Graduate School funding / Sainbiose & Hubert Curien labs). The ideal candidate will have a PhD in Chemistry/Materials Science, or related disciplines with a strong academic background and publication record. The candidate must have experience in surface functionalization and characterization. Experience with microfluidics is a plus. The candidate will have the responsibility to functionalize and characterize sensing platforms. She/he will develop specific functionalization protocols to detect key target analytes. Integration of the sensing platform within the perfusion system will be required for the sensing protocols to be optimised accordingly. This is a multidisciplinary project and the successful candidate should be willing to and capable of interacting with team members from disciplines ranging from cell biology and chemistry to physics. The candidate will also be expected to disseminate results to the broader scientific community, thus having written and oral presentation skill sets.

      Download the detailed offer here: «Call for postdoc-Monbone-DI-2023-2.pdf» (237 Ko)

      Information and application: Please send your Cover Letter, CV, 3 references to:

      Dr Donata IANDOLO  donata.iandolo @ 

      and Dr Yves Jourlin  yves.jourlin @ 

      Published on February 14, 2023

    • Post-Doc: Synthesis and processing of nanocomposite films for Q-switched micro-lasers and integrated optical amplifiers

      Start: 1st May 2023 (later if necessary)

      Duration: 12 months

      Location: Laboratoire Hubert Curien, Saint-Etienne

      Prerequisite: The candidate must hold a PhD in the field of Materials, Optics or Physical properties of materials. Knowledge about sol-gel or nanocrystals is an added value. She/He should demonstrate a motivation and skills for experimental studies. Speaking French is not essential but advisable.

      The position relates to a collaborative project entitled CRUMBLE: ChRomiUM-Based coatings for LasErs, funded by the ANR french Agency. Its objective is to develop a novel material with saturable absorption and gain medium properties dedicated to telecom applications.

      Download the detailed offer here

      Information and application: Please contact both:

      François Royer  francois.royer @ 

      Marie-Françoise Blanc-Mignon  mignon @ 

      Published on April 6, 2023

Ph.D. openings

    • CIFRE PhD offer: Elaboration of thin film coatings and laser processing for the customization of secure ID documents

      Start: 1st November 2023

      Location: Hubert Curien Lab + IREIS Lab , Saint-Etienne, France

      Deadline: A.S.A.P. before 1st September 2023.

      Note: All employment at the Hubert Curien Laboratory is decided on the sole basis of qualifications, competence, integrity and organizational need. All are encouraged to apply to job openings regardless of their origin, identity, health, beliefs and orientations.

      The objective of this project is to develop innovative secure printing solutions for visual authentication of physical ID documents to prevent their counterfeiting (illegal reproduction of a genuine document) and forgery (alteration of a part of a genuine document to give misleading information).

      Expected candidate profile: 

      • Advanced knowledge in optics, photonics and material science
      • Experience in programming with Python (or similar)
      • Open-minded, curious and interested in working with both industry and academia
      • Ability to take initiatives and work in autonomy, good French writing and communication skills
      • At least B2 level in English

      Download the detailed offer here

      Information and application: Send all documents listed in the offer above to both:

      • Prof. Nathalie DESTOUCHES:  nathalie.destouches @
      • Laurent DUBOST:  ldubost @ 

      Applications can be written in French or English.

      Published on July 7, 2023