Habilitation defense of Marie Françoise Blanc Mignon

Habilitation thesis (HDR) defense of Marie Françoise Blanc Mignon

at 10:30 AM

Room D03
Building D
Campus Manufacture
18 rue du Professeur Benoît Lauras
42000 Saint-Etienne

"Caractérisation diélectrique, optique et magnéto-optique de matériaux magnétiques "


Magnetic materials are used in a wide range of technological applications and this research domain is very active. The characterization of such components is essential in order to control/optimize their elaboration process for devices based sensors or integrated optics applications
This HDR-defense will present some magnetic material (ferrofluids, thin layers, composite material) with focuses/highlights on their characterizations and properties: morphological, structural, dielectric, magnetic, optical and magneto-optical ones.


Prof. Michel AiIlerie, University of Lorraine & Centrale Supélec, reviewer
Prof. Dominique Berling, University Haute Alsace, reviewer
Prof. Jean-Claude Plenet, University of Lyon, reviewer
Ass prof Sophie Neveu, Sorbonne University, examiner
Prof Yves Jourlin, University of Saint-Etienne, examiner
Prof François Royer, University of Saint-Etienne, academic supervisor

The defense will be done in french.