Seminar by Alain Tremeau

"How do computers and archeology combine to investigate the past?" by Alain Tremeau

at 12:30 PM

Salle Design Tech Arena,
Bâtiment La Platine,
Cité du Design,
1, rue Javelin Pagnon,
42000 Saint-Étienne

Seminar by Alain Tremeau, Professor in Computer Vision at the Faculty of Sciences and Technologies at Jean Monnet University, St-Etienne and Researcher at Hubert Curien laboratory, in the Image science & computer vision group


3D modeling is becoming an increasingly popular practice in archeology. It is a new source of information to document, analyze, virtually restore objects or fragments of archaeological objects, reproduce or preserve objects.

The ArchéObjets3d project team of the Archéorient laboratory in Lyon will first present various applications where 3D is a source of information that enriches the analytical field of the archaeologist.

Different 3D acquisition technologies exist on the market. All of them require skills and know-how. Different software, methodologies, mathematical models, algorithms make it possible to realize a processing with a given level of performance. The Image Science and Computer Vision team at the Hubert Curien Laboratory in Saint-Etienne has developed a know-how in the parametrization of algorithms for the analysis of archaeological objects. This will illustrate the second part of the presentation.

Beyond the cases studied by these two teams, other examples of fields of application in archeology for which 3D constitutes a new vector of investigation will be addressed.

This seminar will be held in French.

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