Prix IEEE NPSS Paul Phelps 2021

Prix IEEE NPSS Paul Phelps 2021

Marine Aubry is the recipient of the 2021 Paul Phelps Award of the IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society (NPSS) that recognizes “exceptional promise as a student, postdoc or research associate in any of the fields of NPSS, or exceptional work in those fields”. The IEEE NPSS ( is the premier professional association for the advancement of the nuclear and plasma sciences, sponsoring seven technical conferences and three peer-reviewed journals.

Marine is a 2018 graduate of the IPSA Paris (Polytechnic Institute of Advanced Sciences) engineering school. After doing her master internship at the CNES (National Center for Space Studies), she joined the MOPERE (Materials for Optics and Photonics in Extreme Radiation Environment) group of Laboratoire Hubert Curien in October 2018 to pursue on a doctorate. Since then, Marine is a Ph.D student of University of Saint-Etienne and Politecnico di Bari under the supervision of Pr. Sylvain Girard, Pr. Emmanuel Marin and Pr. Luciano Mescia. She is studying the combined radiation and temperature effects on optical fiber amplifiers for space applications. More specifically, she investigated how these coupled effects impact the amplifier performances and the properties of rare-earth doped fibers. Her PhD thesis is co-funded by the CNES (under the responsibility of Dr. Julien Mekki) and iXblue (Dr. Thierry Robin).

During her Ph.D, she created the IEEE student branch of the University of Saint-Etienne and she is actually the founding chair of its NPSS student branch chapter.

Published on May 20, 2021
