PhD defense - Fiammetta Fricano: "Real-time Dosimetry: Feasibility and Optimization of Radioluminescent Optical Fiber Sensors""Real-time Dosimetry: Feasibility and Optimization of Radioluminescent Optical Fiber Sensors"
The Thursday, March 6, 2025
at 10am
Laboratoire Hubert Curien
Salle F021
"Real-time Dosimetry: Feasibility and Optimization of Radioluminescent Optical Fiber Sensors"
Ionizing radiation is everywhere: in medicine, space, and the nuclear industry. To measure it precisely, optical fibers are being explored as dosimeters: small, flexible sensors capable of real-time operation. Their small size and sensitivity make them ideal candidates for radiotherapy, nuclear safety, or radiation detection during space missions. In this work, we exploit the radioluminescent capability of silica-based optical fibers, meaning the light they emit when exposed to radiation can be used to monitor radiative environments (in this case, photon and proton radiation). My research aims to optimize their reliability, particularly through various strategies that enhance their performance, such as pre-irradiation of the material or reducing the optical fiber dimensions for higher spatial resolution. The results are promising and potentially exploitable for dosimetry in radiotherapy.
- GIRARD, Sylvain Professor, UJM, France President
- O’KEEFFE, Sinéad Research fellow, University of Limerick, Irlande Rapporter
- RAVOTTI, Federico Research director, CERN, Suisse Rapporter
- MAGNE, Sylvain Research fellow HDR, CEA LIST, France Examiner
- CAPOEN, Bruno Professor, Université de Lille, France Examiner
- LAMBERT, Damien Research fellow, CEA DAM, France Examiner
- MORANA, Adriana Maîtresse de conférences HDR, UJM, France Examiner
- BOUKENTER, Aziz Professor, UJM, France Thesis director