PhD defense - Martin Roche

PhD defense - Martin Roche: "Towards Advanced Architectures of Fiber Dosimeters for Space Applications""Towards Advanced Architectures of Fiber Dosimeters for Space Applications"

at 1pm

Laboratoire Hubert Curien

Salle F021

"Towards Advanced Architectures of Fiber Dosimeters for Space Applications"


Long-term space missions aimed at pushing the boundaries of our knowledge in this new frontier are becoming increasingly concrete. Among the main challenges to achieving these ambitions, ionizing radiation is considered a regular risk, threatening the integrity of living beings, materials, and components in various ways. To mitigate the potential risks associated with radiation, systems and crews must be informed of the radiation risk and capable of responding promptly. A robust dosimeter, providing real-time measurements of dose rates, can help anticipate solar events with appropriate reactions. The Lumina dosimeter has demonstrated the capabilities of optical fibers for these dosimetry issues by exploiting the phenomenon of radiation-induced attenuation. The detection of singular events such as passages through the South Atlantic Anomaly or the consequences of solar eruptions attest to the performance achieved by our prototype.



  • Lionel CANIONI, Professeur des Universités, Université de Bordeaux — Rapporteur
  • Mohamed BOUAZAOUI, Professeur des Universités, Université de Lille — Rapporteur
  • Frédéric SAIGNÉ, Professeur des Universités, Université de Montpellier — Examinateur
  • Philippe PAILLET, Docteur HDR, CEA DAM — Examinateur
  • Daniel RICCI, Research Engineer, CERN — Examinateur
  • Adriana MORANA, Maître de conférences HDR, LabHC UJM— Examinatrice
  • Sylvain GIRARD, Professeur des Universités, LabHC UJM — Directeur de Thèse
  • Emmanuel MARIN, Professeur des Universités, LabHC UJM — Co-Directeur de Thèse
  • Julien MEKKI, Docteur, CNES — Invité
  • Thierry ROBIN, Docteur, EXAIL — Invité