European projects
RADSAGA (2017 - 2022)
MOPERE is a Partner of the RADSAGA Innovative Training Network under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions. RADSAGA, coordinated by CERN, bring together industry, universities, laboratories and test-facilities in order to innovate and train young scientists and engineers in all aspects related to electronics exposed to radiation.
ADD ON (2018 - 2021)
MOPERE is coordinating the H2020 Clean Sky2 ADD-ON (Advanced Damage Detection through Optical sensor Network) project. Main objective of ADD-ON is to investigate the feasibility of developing a unique optical sensor network to control the various classes of distributed and point optical sensors. This solution can monitor, in a variety of profiles of use, the SHM measurands of interest: delamination, corrosion, cracking, loading and can simultaneously sustain data transfer.
Partners: Technobis Fibre Technologies; Airbus (as Topic Manager).
RADNEXT (2021 – 2025)
RADNEXT is an H2020 INFRAIA-02-2020 infrastructure project coordinated by CERN with the objective of creating a network of facilities and related irradiation methodology for responding to the emerging needs of electronics component and system irradiation; as well as combining different irradiation and simulation techniques for optimizing the radiation hardness assurance for systems, focusing on the related risk assessment. MOPERE is a Partner of RADNEXT and is leading the research-oriented WP5 about radiation detection, dosimetry and beam instrumentation.
PHOTONHUB EUROPE (2021 – 2025)
PhotonHub Europe – a new pan-European photonics digital innovation hub –, coordinated by VUB (Belgium) has been awarded €19 million investment from the EU’s Horizon 2020 programme. PhotonHub Europe will help European SMEs and mid-caps become highly competitive digital businesses through faster and smarter deployment of photonics-based technologies. UJM is a member of the project and MOPERE contributes to PhotonHub through its irradiation platform and the local coordination for UJM.
SWISSMODICS (2021 – 2023)
LabHC is partner of the H2020 Clean Sky 2 SWISSMODICS (Development of a Sensor with WIde Spectrum Sensitivity for MOnitoring of Damage and Defects In Composite Structures), managed by the CSEM (Switzerland). MOPERE contributes to Swissmodic through its irradiation platform, leading the WP2 and by ensuring the local coordination for UJM.
RADMEP (2020 – 2026)
MOPERE team is coordinating the 2-year (120 ECTS) European Master in Radiation and its Effects on MicroElectronics and Photonics Technologies (RADMEP). RADMEP provides a multidisciplinary and innovative programme covering the interactions between Radiation and MicroElectronics and Photonics, two Key Enabling Technologies for the future of Europe. RADMEP objective is to educate students in those advanced technologies, providing methodologies and introducing practical applications for their implementation in a variety of natural or man-made radiation-rich environments.
Partners: University of Jyväskylä, KU Leuven, Université de Montpellier (35 associated partners)