Ph.D/HDR defense

Ph.D defense of Laser-matter interaction Team

    • HDR defense Ciro d'Amico

      "Structuring and functionalization of materials by ultrashort laser: from the fundamental response to the application".

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    • Ph.D defense Djafar IABBADEN

      "Atomistic Simulations of Ultrafast Laser-induced Devitrification of Metallic Glasses"

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    • Ph.D defense of Anthony NAKHOUL

      "Surface Morphology at Nanometric Scale by Temporal and Polarization Control of Ultrashort Laser Pulses"

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    • Ph.D defense of Mathilde Prudent

      "Fonctionnalisation de couches minces de verres métalliques par irradiation laser femtoseconde"

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    • PhD defense of Anthony Abou Saleh

      "Relationship between self-organization and creation/resorption of microstructural defects under ultrashort laser irradiation"

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