PhD defense of Djafar IABBADEN

Ph.D defense Djafar IABBADEN"Atomistic Simulations of Ultrafast Laser-induced Devitrification of Metallic Glasses"

at 2:00 PM

auditorium J020,
Télécom Saint-Etienne,
Campus Manufacture,
42000 Saint Etienne

"Atomistic Simulations of Ultrafast Laser-induced Devitrification of Metallic Glasses"


Ultrafast laser processing is a modern method to tune nano-architectured material. A phase transformation can be triggered locally at nanometer scale. In this work, we tackled different problems to understand the complex mechanisms of the ultrafast laser-inducing transformations within the CuZr alloys. A qualitative approach is used in which Molecular Dynamics and Two Temperature Models are combined. Depending on the laser delivered fluence and pulse duration, the main phenomenon encountered is solid-solid phase transitions such as twining, defects generation, cavitation via solid-liquid phase change through the ablation process, and devitrification. Moreover, the analysis clearly shows that many factors can affect the final specimen as the initial phase structure, chemical stoichiometry.



  • Leonid ZHIGILEI, Referee, University of Virginia
  • Anne TANGUY, Referee, INSA Lyon
  • Jean-François PIERSON, Examiner, University of Nancy
  • Jonathan AMODEO, Examiner, University of Aix Marseille
  • Claudio FUSCO, Invited, INSA Lyon
  • Dmitry IVANOV, Invited, University of Kassel
  • Florence GARRELIE, Co-supervisor, University of Jean-Monnet
  • Jean-Philippe COLOMBIER, Supervisor,  University of Jean-Monnet