3D Photonics
An invited contribution/cover published in Photonics (https://www.mdpi.com/2304-6732/8/6/211) puts forward a collaborative research on ultrafast laser fabrication of 3D Photonics in bulk chalcogenide...
Adriana Morana Wins the IEEE NPSS Paul Phelps Award 2017
Adriana MORANA has been awarded the 2017 IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society (NPSS) Paul Phelps Award. The IEEE NPSS (http://ieee-npss.org/) is the premier professional association for the advancement...
Cédric Marchand et Michael Perrot - Lauréats du prix d'excellence doctorat 2016 de la Fondation de l'UJM
Lors de la soirée annuelle de la Fondation de l'UJM qui a eu lieu le mardi 13 juin 2017, Cédric Marchant (thématique SESAM) et Michael Perrot (thématique Data Intelligence) se sont vus remettre le prix d'excellence...
L'auto-organisation induite par laser ultra bref entre dans une nouvelle dimension avec les films nanocomposites
L'auto-organisation des surfaces induite par laser ultra bref fait l'objet de nombreuses études depuis une cinquantaine d'années sur tous types de matériaux pour les nombreux débouchés applicatifs qu'elle...
Lilian Bossuet lauréat du Grand Prix de l’Electronique Général Ferrié 2016
Le 5 décembre 2016, Lilian Bossuet, Maître Conférences HDR à l’Université Jean Monnet, s’est vu remettre par le Colonel Claude Bouthillier, Président d’honneur de l’UNATRANS (Union Nationale des Transmissions)...
Manutech-Sleight "Surfaces Light Engineering- Health & Society":
Manutech-Sleight "Surfaces Light Engineering- Health & Society": in the framework of the “Investissement d'Avenir” Program 3 (a state funded program dedicated to excellence in higher education), Université Jean Monnet (UJM) obtains a substantial financial support to implement a Graduate School for the benefit of the Lyon Saint-Etienne site (as part of Université de Lyon)
Michaël Perrot received the 2017 Best Phd Thesis award in Artificial Intelligence
Michaël Perrot received the 2017 Best Phd Thesis award in Artificial Intelligence from the French society for Artificial Intelligence (AFIA http://www.afia.asso.fr) which promotes the best national research...
Observing laser nanostructuring
Researchers at the Laboratoire Hubert Curien, St. Etienne and Max-Born Institute in Berlin have developed a multiscale imaging method to observe matter relaxation dynamics and the formation of nanoscale...
Riad SAHLI received the award of the best poster presentation at the LeedsLyon 2017
This prize rewards Riad SAHLI's presentation of the poster entitled "Effect of contact area reduction under shear on static friction", a joint work with Christophe DUCOTTET (Laboratoire Hubert Curien...
Simon Mure received the 2017 IRIS Inspection Machines prize
On June 21, 2017, Simon Mure received the 2017 IRIS Inspection Machines prize awarded by the association des amis de l'université de Lyon for his PhD defended on December 2, 2016 entitled: Unsupervised...
Latest events
"Diffusion de la lumière à partir de désordres de surface et de volume corrélés" by Jean-Philippe Banon
From December 12, 2024 to December 12, 2024
Seminar by Jean-Philippe Banon, Laboratoire Hubert Curien
"Modeling of femtosecond laser interactions with advanced atomistic-continuum approaches"by Tatiana Itina
From September 26, 2024 to September 26, 2024
Seminar by Tatiana Itina, Laboratoire Hubert Curien
Seminar by Yaya Lefkir: "Microscopie électronique à balayage haute résolution et équipements de préparation"
The September 26, 2024
"Microscopie électronique à balayage haute résolution et équipements de préparation"
Seminar by Dmitry Ivanov: "Modeling of femtosecond laser-silicon interactions with advanced atomistic-continuum approaches"
The September 26, 2024
"Modeling of femtosecond laser-silicon interactions with advanced atomistic-continuum approaches"
D.S. Ivanov and T.E. Itina, Laboratoire Hubert CurienSeminar by Prof. Saverio Salzo: "Bilevel Optimization with lower-level Contraction: Optimal Sample Complexity without warm-start"
The September 5, 2024
"Bilevel Optimization with lower-level Contraction: Optimal Sample Complexity without warm-start"
Seminar by Stéphanie Reynaud: "Microscopie en transmission NeoARM: Apport d'une camera à détection directe pour la spectroscopie de perte d'énergie"
The July 4, 2024
"Microscopie en transmission NeoARM: Apport d'une camera à détection directe pour la spectroscopie de perte d'énergie"
Seminar by Ian Davidson: "If the AIs Are Going to Rule Us Then They Should At Least Be Nice To Us – Past and Future Work in AI Alignment"
The June 18, 2024
"If the AIs Are Going to Rule Us Then They Should At Least Be Nice To Us – Past and Future Work in AI Alignment"
"Microscopies non conventionnelles pour l’imagerie In Vitro" by Chiara Paviolo and Lionel Hervé
The June 12, 2024
Seminar by Chiara Paviolo and Lionel Hervé, CEA LETI
HDR defense Ciro d'Amico
The May 23, 2024
"Structuring and functionalization of materials by ultrashort laser: from the fundamental response to the application".
Seminar by Cédric Maron: "Knowledge distillation based on monoclass teachers for edge infrastructure"
The April 4, 2024
"Knowledge distillation based on monoclass teachers for edge infrastructure"
"Optical microscopy of biological samples: the importance of calibrations in holographic microscopy of bacteria infected blood samples" by Thomas Olivier
The March 7, 2024
Seminar by Thomas Olivier
Seminar by Promod Kumar: "Plasmonic nanoparticles embedded in a dielectric host for diverse applications"
The February 15, 2024
"Plasmonic nanoparticles embedded in a dielectric host for diverse applications"
Habilitation (HDR) defense of Rémi Emonet
The February 5, 2024
"Avancées en apprentissage statistique pour la détection d'anomalies et le transfert"
"Physics-Informed Machine Learning" by Jordan Frécon-Deloire
The February 1, 2024
Seminar by Jordan Frécon-Deloire
Seminar by Steeven Janny: "Identification and Simulation of Physical Systems with Structured Deep Learning and Inductive Knowledge"
The January 26, 2024
"Identification and Simulation of Physical Systems with Structured Deep Learning and Inductive Knowledge"
Seminar by Arshak Tsaturyan : "Ab initio simulations of silica electron structure under strong laser-induced excitation"
The January 25, 2024
"Ab initio simulations of silica electron structure under strong laser-induced excitation"
Seminar: "Fast context adaptation for video object segmentation", by Isidore Dubuisson
The January 18, 2024
"Fast context adaptation for video object segmentation"
Seminar by Isidore Dubuisson, doctoral student in our Image Science and Computer Vision team.PhD defense Rehan Jhuboo
The January 10, 2024
"Super-Resolution for bone microstructure CT imaging"
Seminar by Arthur Gautheron: "Optical Modeling and Fluorescence Spectroscopy Experiments towards Robust Quantification of Biomarkers for Medical purposes"
The December 7, 2023
"Optical Modeling and Fluorescence Spectroscopy Experiments towards Robust Quantification of Biomarkers for Medical purposes"
Seminar by Pascal Giraud: "Plasmonic optical switch for hydrogen detection at very low concentration"
The November 30, 2023
"Plasmonic optical switch for hydrogen detection at very low concentration"
Seminar by Pascal Giraud
Seminar by Hugo Bruhier: "Introduction to the experimental validation of the double-slit time diffraction"
The November 21, 2023
"Introduction to the experimental validation of the double-slit time diffraction"
Seminar by Hugo Bruhier"Multitask bottom-up framework for person and emotion detection" by Tristan Cladière
The November 9, 2023
Seminar by Tristan Cladière
PhD defense Vincent Duveiller
The October 26, 2023
"Optical models for predicting the color of dental composite resins"
Seminar Vincent Duveiller: "Optical models for predicting the color of dental resin composites"
The October 19, 2023
"Optical models for predicting the color of dental resin composites"
Seminar by PhD student Vincent Duveiller, Laboratoire Hubert CurienSeminar Dr Murilo Moreira: "Quantitative EDS Analysis supported by unsupervised machine learning. Chemical gradients in small nanoalloy and a taste in EELS nanoplasmonics"
The October 19, 2023
"Quantitative EDS Analysis supported by unsupervised machine learning. Chemical gradients in small nanoalloy and a taste in EELS nanoplasmonics"
Seminar by Dr Murilo Moreira, Institut Lumière Matière, VilleurbannesPhD defense Emilie Laffont
The October 10, 2023
"Development of a new plasmonic transducer for the detection of biological species"
PhD defense Van Doan Le
The September 22, 2023
"Study on the optical properties of metal-dielectric nanocomposite materials induced by laser"
PhD defense Manuel Flores
The September 4, 2023
"Materials and nanostructuring processes on flexible supports for personalized security features"
HDR defense Damien Muselet
The July 18, 2023
"Models and data for the extraction of physical, invariant, or discriminative information from color images"
PhD defense Julie Dutems
The July 6, 2023
"Thin passive film characterization by surface plasmon resonance (COUPLES)"
PhD defense Hugo Bruhier
The June 6, 2023
"Development of a plasmonic sensor for air quality control"
"Automatic general movement assessment as a predictive tool of cerebral palsy and neurodevelopmental disorders in preterm infants" by Ameur Soualmi
The June 1, 2023
Seminar by Ameur Soualmi
PhD defense Hugo Boiron
The May 17, 2023
"Thermomechanical analysis of optical fibre coils by studying their Rayleigh backscattering"
"Regularization for Unsupervised Learning of Optical Flow" by Jochen Lang
The May 11, 2023
Seminar by Jochen Lang, Université d’Ottawa / VIVA laboratory and the Distributed and Collaborative Virtual Environments Research Laboratory (DISCOVER)
"Perturbative description of ultrafast nonlinear signals" by Jeremy Rouxel
The May 4, 2023
Seminar by Jérémy Rouxel, Laboratoire Hubert Curien
"Vers un IoT efficace et protégeant la confidentialité des données par le mariage de l'apprentissage fédéré et des technologies FPGA" by Lucas Grativol-Ribeiro
The April 6, 2023
Seminar by Lucas Grativol-Ribeiro, PhD student at IMT-Atlantique
"[Tools] GLOBALBIOLM : How to standardize and solve inverse problems?" by Dylan Brault
The March 2, 2023
Seminar by Dylan Brault
"Influence of halftone patterns on the appearance of coated prints: modelling and visual application" by Fanny Dailliez
The February 2, 2023
Seminar by Fanny Dailliez, PhD student at UJF Grenoble / LGP2
Ph.D defense Djafar IABBADEN
The January 27, 2023
"Atomistic Simulations of Ultrafast Laser-induced Devitrification of Metallic Glasses"
Ph.D defense Moustapha GODI TCHÉRÉ
The January 20, 2023
"Detection and inspection by neural network in the context of ellipsometric scatterometry"
Ph.D defense of Dylan BRAULT
The December 19, 2022
"Inverse problems approaches in digital holographic microscopy for unsupervised and quantitative recosntructions of microbiological samples"
Ph.D defense of Alexis DUFOUR
The December 16, 2022
"Fonctionnalisation Magnéto-Optique d’une Fibre Optique Microstructurée par un Nanocomposite Sol-Gel"
Ph.D defense of Ratish Rao NAGARAJ RAO
The December 8, 2022
"Fabrication of grating waveguide structures for spectral (and linear polarization) stabilization and wavelength multiplexing for 976 nm, 1030 nm, and 2000 nm wavelength range"
Ph.D defense of Paul VIALLARD
The December 7, 2022
"Bornes PAC-Bayésiennes et Au-delà : Algorithmes Auto-limitatifs et Nouvelles Perspectives sur la Généralisation en Apprentissage Automatique"
Ph.D defense of Jeoffray VIDALOT
The December 1, 2022
"Dosimétrie par fibre optique d'installations d'irradiation expérimentales"
"Visual screening tools for ornament analysis" by Sayan Chaki and Thierry Fournel
The December 1, 2022
Seminar by Sayan Chaki and Thierry Fournel
Ph.D defense of Anthony NAKHOUL
The November 29, 2022
"Surface Morphology at Nanometric Scale by Temporal and Polarization Control of Ultrashort Laser Pulses"
Ph.D defense of Cosimo CAMPANELLA
The October 27, 2022
"Combined effects of radiation and temperature on silica-based optical fibers"
"Removing speckle in SAR images while maintaining spatial resolution: from classical image processing techniques to unsupervised deep learning" by Loïc Denis
The October 6, 2022
Seminar by Loïc Denis
Habilitation (HDR) defense of Pierre-Louis Cayrel
The August 31, 2022
"Contributions to code-based cryptography"
Ph.D Defense of José M. Giménez-García
The July 18, 2022
"Formaliser, capturer, et gérer le contexte des déclarations dans le Web Sémantique"
Ph.D defense of Balint Eles
The July 18, 2022
"Energy relaxation mechanisms in plasmonic nanocomposite materials under femtosecond laser excitation"
Habilitation (HDR) defense of Ievgen Redko
The July 12, 2022
"Transfer Learning, Optimal Transport and Beyond"
Ph.D defense of Mathilde Prudent
The July 12, 2022
"Fonctionnalisation de couches minces de verres métalliques par irradiation laser femtoseconde"
Ph.D defense of Guoqin Zang
The July 11, 2022
"Study, Design, and Realization of an Extended Automotive Signalization"
Habilitation (HDR) defense of Kamal Singh
The July 6, 2022
"Towards data driven Intelligent Networks"
Ph.D defense of Louis Duveau
The July 4, 2022
"Apport de l'optique freeform pour l'imagerie catoptrique multi bandes spectrales"
"Problèmes inverses pour la reconstruction quantitative de phase en microscopie holographique : une méthodologie pour l’auto-étalonnage des reconstructions" by Fabien Momey and Dylan Brault
The June 30, 2022
Seminar by Fabien Momey and Dylan Brault
PhD defense of Yoann Boussit
The June 27, 2022
"Segmentation multi-échelle d’objets en haute résolution par approches CNN : Application au contrôle d’assemblage de pièces de carrosserie"
Ph.D Defense of Rémi Viola
The June 24, 2022
"Highly Imbalanced Learning, Application to Fraud Detection"
"First-principles calculations of fused silica electronic structure under strong laser-induced excitation" by Arshak Tsaturyan
The June 22, 2022
Seminar by Arshak A Tsaturyan, Laboratoire Hubert Curien
PhD defense of Maria Usuga
The May 30, 2022
"Elaboration of micro-nanostructured layers of titanium nitride (TiN) obtained by the process of nitriding sol-gel layers TiO2"
"Deep learning for denoising SEM Images" by Khaled Al Saih
The May 5, 2022
Seminar by Khaled Al Saih
Journée Scientifique Sol-Gel Aura
The April 14, 2022
The 14th edition of the "Journée Sol-Gel et Chimie Liquide Auvergne Rhône-Alpes" (JSGAuRA14) will take place on Thursday 14th April 2022 at the Université Jean Monnet (Manufacture Campus, Room D03).
"Systèmes d’analyse de la récupération d’énergie lumineuse en intérieur pour l’alimentation d’objets connectés" by Bastien Politi
The April 7, 2022
Seminar by Bastien Politi
"Unsupervised Inverse approach for the 3D reconstruction in Tomographic Diffractive Microscopy" by Laurence Denneulin
The March 3, 2022
Seminar by Laurence Denneulin
Thesis defense Damien Robissout
The February 10, 2022
Sécurité des implémentations cryptographiques face aux attaques par canaux auxiliaires basées sur des techniques d’apprentissage profond
"Segmentation volumique interactive par sous-échantillonnage adaptatif et apprentissage profond" by Cyril Li
The February 3, 2022
Seminar by Cyril Li
" Light scattering in translucent layers: angular distribution and internal reflections at flat interfaces" by Arthur Gautheron
The January 6, 2022
Seminar by Arthur Gautheron
"Analyse morphologique et logarithmique de banques d'images, robuste aux variations d’éclairement" by Guillaume Noyel
The December 16, 2021
Seminar by Guillaume Noyel
"Surface nanotexturing for virucidal properties" by Mathilde Prudent
The November 30, 2021
Seminar by Mathilde Prudent, Laboratoire Hubert Curien
"Observation of second sound in graphite at temperature above 100 K" by Daiwei Zhang
The October 13, 2021
Seminar by Daiwei Zhang, Laboratoire Hubert Curien
"Deep Learning based segmentation and tracking of nanoparticles on surfaces applied to the in situ study of nanocatalysts by Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy" by Christophe Ducottet
The October 8, 2021
Seminar by Christophe Ducottet, Laboratoire Hubert Curien
« From deep blue to deep space, neuromorphic engineering offers alternatives to deep learning » by Damien Joubert
The June 3, 2021
Seminar by Damien Joubert, Postdoctoral researcher at International Centre for Neuromorphic Systems,Western Sydney University, Australia
« Learning Similarity with Siamese Neural Networks» by Hiba Al Qasir
The May 6, 2021
Seminar by Hiba Al Qasir
"Superdense materials in the nano scale" by Huu Nguyen Dat
The April 30, 2021
Seminar by Huu Dat Nguyen, Laboratoire Hubert Curien
« How the microarrangement of colored materials influences the macroscopic color of a surface? » by Mathieu Hebert with a focus on « How does a clear layer modify the color of a halftone » by Fanny Dailliez
The April 1, 2021
Seminar by Mathieu Hebert at Laboratoire Hubert Curien
"Mechanism of Laser-Induced Formation of Metal Nanoparticles and Nanostructures: Molecular Dynamic Modeling" by Dmitry Ivanov
The March 5, 2021
Seminar by Dmitry Ivanov, Kassel University, Technical University Kaiserslautern, Lebedev Physical Institute, and Moscow Engineering Physics
"Ultrafast nonlinear X-ray spectroscopies: lessons from the optical regime" by Jeremy Rouxel
The February 1, 2021
Seminar by Jérémy Rouxel, Laboratoire Hubert Curien, University of California Irvine
"Off-axis sparse aperture imaging using phase optimization techniques for application in wide-area imaging systems" by Abhijit Mahalanobis
The July 23, 2019
Seminar by Abhijit Mahalanobis, Professor at the Center for Research in Computer Vision, University of Central Florida, Orlando
Habilitation thesis (HDR) defense of Marie Françoise Blanc Mignon
The May 23, 2019
"Caractérisation diélectrique, optique et magnéto-optique de matériaux magnétiques "
"Sol-gel-based nanostructured coatings, processing by dip-coating and characterization by ellipsometry" by David Grosso
The February 26, 2019
Seminar by David Grosso, professor at IM2NP, Marseille
PhD defense of Anthony Abou Saleh
The January 8, 2019
"Relationship between self-organization and creation/resorption of microstructural defects under ultrashort laser irradiation"
"Une source XUV compacte et ultracourte" by Eric Constant
The November 23, 2018
Seminar by Eric Constant, Institut Lumière Matière
"Digital holography for 3D imaging red blood cells in motion in zebrafish" by Alexey Brodoline
The November 15, 2018
Seminar by Alexey Brodoline, Charles Coulombs Laboratory (L2C)
"Interreflections in Computer Vision: Importance, Modeling & Application in Spec-tral Estimation" by Damien Muselet
The November 8, 2018
Seminar by Damien Muselet
Habilitation (HDR) defense of Loïc Denis
The October 26, 2018
"Quelques contributions méthodologiques en reconstruction d'images"
"The model of random hyperbolic graphs" by Dieter Mitsche
The October 25, 2018
Seminar by Dieter Mitsche, Professeur des Universités, Institut Camille Jordan
"Light: from measurement to perception" by Peter Hanselaer
The October 4, 2018
Seminar by Peter Hanselaer, professor at KU Leuven
"Appearance reproduction for two and three dimensional printing" by Vahid Babaei
The October 1, 2018
Seminar by Vahid Babaei, Research Group leader at Max Planck Institute for Informatics
Conférence Multi-disciplinary International Social Network Conference (MISNC)
From July 16, 2018 to July 17, 2018
La conférence Multi-disciplinary International Social Network Conference (MISNC) est une conférence internationale dédiée aux réseaux sociaux. Elle a pour objectif de rassembler des chercheurs et des...
PhD defense of Frédéric Jolivet
The April 13, 2018
Approches « problèmes inverses » régularisées pour l’imagerie sans lentille et la microscopie holographique en ligne.
"Beyond color: synthesis, measurements and models" by Lionel Simonot
The February 8, 2018
Seminar by Lionel Simonot, Enseigant-chercheur at Institut Pprime Poitier
Ph.D Defense of Damien Fourure
The December 12, 2017
"Réseaux de neurones convolutifs pour la segmentation sémantique et l’apprentissage d’invariants de couleur"
"Nonlinear photoionization of transparent solids" by Nikita Shcheblanov
The December 4, 2017
Seminar by Nikita Shcheblanov
Habilitation Thesis (HDR) Defense: Corinne Fournier
The November 27, 2017
"Inverse problems approaches for image reconstruction in digital holography"
("Approches Problèmes Inverses pour la reconstruction en holographie numérique")"Already more and not yet! From the colors of the past to the colors of tomorrow" by Patrick Callet
The October 26, 2017
Seminar by Patrick Callet (CentraleSupélec), president of "Centre Français de la Couleur"
"Temperature dependent modelling of cladding–pumped Er3+–Yb3+–codoped fiber amplifiers for space applications" by Luciano Mescia
The July 13, 2017
Seminar by Luciano Mescia, Politecnico di Bari - Department of Electrical and Information Engineering
"Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy for bioanalytical sensing", by Sebastian Wachsmann-Hogiu
The June 23, 2017
Seminar by Prof. Sebastian Wachsmann-Hogiu, Professor at McGill University (Montreal, Canada)
"How do computers and archeology combine to investigate the past?" by Alain Tremeau
The June 22, 2017
Seminar by Alain Tremeau, Professor in Computer Vision at the Faculty of Sciences and Technologies at Jean Monnet University, St-Etienne and Researcher at Hubert Curien laboratory, in the Image science & computer vision group
"Digital Holography: A Medical Diagnostic Tool" by Arun Anand
The May 12, 2017
Seminar by Arun Anand, Assistant Professor at the Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, India
"Tutorial on 3D Data acquisition and analysis" by Franck Boochs
The May 10, 2017
Tutorial by Franck Boochs, professor at i3Mainz, Germany
"Quantitative phase imaging for material and life sciences" by Gabriel Popescu
The April 12, 2017
Seminar by Gabriel Popescu, Associate Professor in Electrical and Computer
Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign"Diffusion of light by particles: modeling and applications to the characterization of multiphase flows" by Matthias Sentis
The March 30, 2017
Seminar by Matthias Sentis, postdoc at CEA Marcoule
"Optical PUFs: introduction and spectral viewpoint" by Thierry Fournel
The March 9, 2017
Seminar by Thierry Fournel, Professor at Laboratoire Hubert Curien
Habilitation Thesis (HDR) Defense: Maxime Moreaud
The February 22, 2017
"Contribution in image processing for the improvement of catalyst performances"
Thesis defense of Olga Shavdina
The December 20, 2016
"Micro-nano-structuration de surface par renforcement local du flux électromagnétique"
Thesis defense of Serge Mazauric
The December 16, 2016
"Modèles spectraux à transferts de flux appliqués à la prédiction de couleurs sur des surfaces imprimées en demi-ton"
Thesis defense of Zeming Liu
The December 14, 2016
"Auto-organisation des nanoparticules métalliques dans les guide-ondes sous flux laser : Modélisation des mécanismes et nouvelles approches"
Thesis defense of Michaël Perrot
The December 13, 2016
"Theory and Algorithms for Learning Metrics with Controlled Behaviour"
Thesis defense of Zaki Sabit
The December 12, 2016
"Classification par réseau de neurones dans le cadre de la scattérométrie ellipsométrique"
Thesis defense of Irina Nicolae
The December 2, 2016
"Learning Similarities for Linear Classification: Theoretical Foundations and Algorithms"
"Contrôle des propriétés d’émission des lasers avec des couches minces nanostructurées" by Jean-François Bisson
The November 21, 2016
Seminar by Jean-François Bisson, professor at the University of Moncton, Canada
Thesis defense of Awat Abderahim
The November 14, 2016
"Etude des pertes dans les enroulements des composants passifs planaires"
Thesis defense of Ousman Bechir Arafat
The October 17, 2016
et réalisation des standards de calibrage pour des dispositifs 3-ports à
120°"Thesis defense of Ouzer Nabil Adam
The June 27, 2016
"Optimisation d’un isolateur coplanaire à déplacement de champ et ondes magnétostatiques opérant en bande X"
Thesis defense of Mahamout Mahamat Baraka
The May 25, 2016
"Mise en évidence d’effets magnétiques par voie sol-gel sur des méta-lignes"
Thesis defense of Bilal Benarabi
The January 15, 2016
"Modélisation et caractérisation de nouveaux conducteurs pour la connectique hyperfréquence"